Wednesday 17 August 2016

UFO News Article:
“Astronomers Pressing for
More Study of UFO Riddle"

4 May 1977
(The Lewiston Daily Sun, Lewiston-Auburn, Maine)

Quote from the article:
“A survey of trained sky watchers, all members of the American Astronomical Society (AAS), reveals that most of them feel UFOs (unidentified flying objects) deserve further scientific study.

Of 1,356 AAS members replying in a questionnaire from Prof. Peter A. Sturrock, an astrophysicist and member of Stanford’s Applied Physics Department, four-fifths feel that the UMO (read: UFO) mystery ‘certainly, probably or possibly deserves scientific study.’ Only 20 percent thought it was ‘probably not’ or ‘certainly not’ worth further investigation.

In 1975 Prof. Sturrock polled 2,611 astronomers with the consent of the AAS council, and received a 53 percent response. A principal conclusion from his recently published report of the results is that ‘scientists have thoughts and views but no answers concerning the UFO problem.’ ”,378228

The article comes from The Christian Science Monitor News Service.

NOTE: The article contains a report on a 1974 Cloudcroft, New Mexico, UFO incident. 

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The logo of the American Astronomical Society
( image)